Georges Seurat’s Landscape at Saint-Ouen (ca. 1886–1888). Public domain.

This Week: The Masculinity Crisis, Detransitioners, and Sex Without Women

Welcome to the weekly Fairer Disputations round-up: your one-stop shop for the best in sex-realist feminism. This week: Nina Power on the masculinity crisis, Matt Osborne on detransitioners, and Caitlin Flanagan on sex without women. Plus: Andrew Tate’s victims, treating infertility, the trans uproar engulfing the Met Police, Erica Komisar’s bad science, gender-critical explainer videos—and more!

First, Featured Author Nina Power argues that “masculinity influencers” aren’t the heart of the masculinity crisis—and more than platitudes are needed to create a culture where true character can flourish (On a similar theme: this piece from the Institute of Family Studies).

Next, Matt Osborne argues that detransitioners are not a monolith, yet each of their stories bears witness to the single false idea that one’s sex can change. (Osborne met all these detransitioners at the Genspect conference, run by Fairer Disputations Featured Author Jennifer Lahl. Watch the event recording here).

Finally, at The Atlantic, Caitlin Flanagan asks how we can maintain our humanity in a world where men don’t need women for sex.

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Fairer Disputations Recommends:

Featured Author Holly Lawford-Smith has recently launched a new series of “explainer” videos, where academic philosophers discuss the aspects of gender-critical feminist views on issues of interest. Check out the first one below, and subscribe to her YouTube channel to see the rest!
