Feminism and Rights
More Must-Read Editorials
Woke Corporations’ Abortion Policies are an Insult to Women
Compact Magazine
The Rise of the Anti-Feminists
More Must-Read Scholarship
Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy
Embodied Equality: Debunking Equal Protection Arguments for Abortion Rights
Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice
Women’s Rights on the Right: The History and Stakes of Modern Pro-Life Feminism, 1968 to the Present
Sage Journals
“Since all the World is Mad, Why Should not I be so?” Mary Astell on Equality, Hierarchy and Ambition
UFL Law Faculty publications
Discrimination Against Mothers is the Strongest Form of Workplace Gender Discrimination
Stephanie Bornstein,
Joan C. Williams,
Genevieve R. Painter (2012)
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