Feminism and Rights

More Must-Read Editorials

The Philosophers Magazine

Who is Feminism For?

Holly Lawford-Smith (2023) 


Does Feminism Have Mommy Issues?

Mary Harrington (2023) 


Woke Corporations’ Abortion Policies are an Insult to Women

Laurie Todd-Smith (2022)

Compact Magazine

The Rise of the Anti-Feminists

Emily Vermeule (2022)

church life journal

Why Does Higher Ed Throw Women Under the Bus?

Angela Franks (2022)

The Spectator

Why the Next Wave of Feminism is Conservative

Louise Perry (2022)


The Vanity of Young Feminism

Mary Harrington (2021)


The Sexual Revolution Killed Feminism

Mary Harrington (2021)

Church Life Journal

Reclaiming a Lost Vision of the Rights of Women

Erika Bachiochi (2021)


No one has the “Right” to have a Baby

Louise Perry (2020)


Beyond Photogenic Feminism

Phoebe Maltz Bovy (2020)   


A Glimpse of the New Feminism: From July 6, 1996

Mary Ann Glendon (1996)   

law and liberty

Feminising Feminism

Helen Dale (2023)

the critic

The New Female Ascendancy

Mary Harrington (2022)

American Affairs

Liberated Enough: Feminism, Liberalism, and Conservatism

Mary Harrington (2022)

Reactionary Feminist

Matricide and the Feminist Case for Virtue

Mary Harrington (2021)

Public Discourse

Can Contemporary Feminism Come to Grips with Reality? Four Responses to Abigail Favale

Erika Bachiochi, Margaret Harper McCarthy, Leah Libresco Sargeant, and Angela Franks (2021)

The New York Times

Why Sex-Positive Feminism is Falling Out of Fashion 

Michelle Goldberg (2021)


The Problem with Male Feminists  

Mary Harrington (2021)

The American Mind

Real Sex-Positivism has Never Been Tried

Helen Roy (2021)

Church Life Journal

The Historical Irony of Feminism’s Silencing of Women

Abigail Favale (2021)


Why Don’t Women Vote for Feminist Parties?

Louise Perry (2019)

Tablet Magazine

The Crushing Loneliness of the Girl Boss

Katherine Dee (2022)


A Sex War is Coming

Mary Harrington (2022)

The New York Times

In a Post-Roe World, we Can Avoid Pitting Mothers Against Babies

Leah Libresco Sargeant (2022)

The American Mind

Real Sex-Positivism has Never Been Tried

Helen Roy (2021) 

Public Discourse

Feminism’s Last Battle

Abigail Favale (2021)

Church Life Journal

The Historical Irony of Feminism’s Silencing of Women

Abigail Favale (2021)

Wall Street Journal

Work-Life Conflict Can’t Be Solved – And that’s a Good Thing

Elizabeth Corey and Yael Chatav (2020) 

First Things

How Women Made the Moral Case for Suffrage

Erika Bachiochi (2020) 


What I Will Teach My Children About Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Erika Bachoichi (2020)   

More Must-Read Scholarship

canopy forum

“The Rights of Women”

Erika Bachiochi (2023)

Journal of Law and Religion

Religious Freedom versus Sexual Expression: A Guide

Helen M. Alvare (2015)

American Economic Association

A Grand Gender Convergence: Its Last Chapter

Claudia Goldin (2014)

Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy

Embodied Equality: Debunking Equal Protection Arguments for Abortion Rights

Erika Bachiochi (2011)

Journal of women in culture and society

The Unproductive Housewife

Nancy Folbre (1991)


Abortion Rights and Women’s Equal Citizenship

Erika Bachiochi (2021)

National Affairs

The Contested Meaning of Women’s Equality

Erika Bachiochi (2021)

Columbia law Review

Are Gender Stereotypes Bad for Women?

Julie C. Suk (2009)

First Things

Rescuing Feminism From the Feminists

Mary Ann Glendon (1996)

First Things

What Happened at Beijing?

Mary Ann Glendon (1996)

Washington university law review

Neomaternalism in the Making of Sex Discrimination Law

Deborah Dinner (2014)

UFL Law Faculty publications

Discrimination Against Mothers is the Strongest Form of Workplace Gender Discrimination

Stephanie Bornstein,
Joan C. Williams,
Genevieve R. Painter (2012)

Letters on the Equality of the Sexes

Letter II: Woman Subject Only to God

Sarah Grimké (2)

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