Bouquet of Flowers (1900—1905), Odilon Redon. Public Domain.

This Week: Science and Women’s Sports, Tomboys, and Ignoring Your Kids

Welcome to the weekly Fairer Disputations round-up: your one-stop shop for the best in sex-realist feminism. This week: Sarah Barker on the flawed study that has been used as a foundation for including biological men in women’s sports, Marilyn Simon on why being a tomboy can be good, and Darby Saxbe on free range parenting. Plus: surrogacy’s harms, extreme anti-aging, having more kids, important work on men in women’s prisons—and more!

First, Sarah Barker tells the story of the flawed, self-serving “scientific study” that the International Olympic Committee used to justify biological men in women’s sports. This piece is long, but it’s a fascinating read:

Next, Marilyn Simon writes in defense of tomboys—and their recognition that “manly” characteristics can be something to love and pursue as a girl.

Finally, Darby Saxbe writes of the personal and social struggle to give our children the space they need to grow and learn independently

More Great Reads:

Fairer Disputations Recommends:

The Independent Women’s Forum’s “Cruel & Unusual Punishment” project has been doing excellent work highlighting the injustice of placing men who identify as women in women’s prisons alongside biological women. Journalist Kelsey Bolar testified on this issue yesterday before the House Committee on the Judiciary, Republicans. Her testimony is worth reading in full. The tragic stories she shares show the importance of women’s spaces, especially for the vulnerable.
