Welcome to the weekly Fairer Disputations round-up: your one-stop shop for the best in sex-realist feminism. This week: Leah Libresco on sex selection in IVF, Larissa Phillips on facing your fears, Erica Wagner on two new books dealing with women’s troubled relationship with food. Plus: how not to solve the gender wars, Sabrina Carpenter and the gender divide, looksmaxxing, Fairer Disputations recommends a book—and more!
First, Featured Author Leah Libresco Sargeant on the often unexpected and difficult questions surrounding sex selection that IVF parents find themselves facing.

At The Free Press, Larissa Phillips writes on taking up horseback riding again later in life—and the importance of facing down your fears.

Finally, Erica Wagner reviews two new books on eating disorders and the struggles women face in being content in their embodiment.

More Great Reads
- “Live and Let Live” Won’t Solve the Gender Wars, Ethan Gilden, City Journal
- Tickle vs. Giggle, Holly Lawford-Smith, Quillette
- The Growing Gender Divide, Three Minutes at a Time, Spencer Kornhaber, The Atlantic
- How Looksmaxxing Went Mainstream, Magdalene J. Taylor, UnHerd
Fairer Disputations Recommends:
Editor Serena Sigillito writes:
Emba’s book is “well written and engaging, and it tackles harmful beliefs about sex head-on. Through interviews, personal stories, and profiles, Emba illustrates the emptiness of a sexual ethic premised on radical autonomy, which sees consent as the only determinant of sexual morality and tells women that they should sterilize themselves physically and emotionally in pursuit of an idealized, consequence-free, masculine experience of sex. She also makes clear the destructive consequences of the consumption of ever more disturbing pornographic material, which has mainstreamed violent and degrading sexual practices to the point that many young women feel they can’t say no to submitting to them.”