Welcome to the weekly Fairer Disputations round-up: your one-stop shop for the best in sex-realist feminism. This week: Leah Libresco Sargeant on what Trump’s IVF executive order gets wrong, Kathleen Stock on why gender shouldn’t be a get-out-of-jail card, and Gaetano Masciullo on finding playmates for his daughter in a country with few children. Plus: “toxic empathy” and what’s worse, Andrea Dworkin, how trans ideology took America by storm, our Flowers of Fire book club—and more!
First, Featured Author Leah Libresco Sargeant finds five problems with Trump’s recent IVF executive order.

Finally, Kathleen Stock argues that for some men, the same psychological issues are at play in deciding to identify as trans and committing sexual assault and violent crimes.

Next, Gaetano Masciullo muses on his experience trying to find playmates for his daughter in Italy—and wonders how to build community in a society that doesn’t encourage it.

More Great Reads:
- Can Empathy Be Toxic?, Kaeley Triller Harms, Honest to Goodness
- How Trans Ideology Took America by Storm, Ryan T. Anderson, Tom D. Klingenstein
- Andrea Dworkin Was Right About Men, Poppy Sowerby, UnHerd
- Make Marriage a Guiding Priority: A Review of ‘Sex and the Citizen’, Beverly Willett, Institute for Family Studies
Flowers of Fire Book Club

Our Flowers of Fire book club wraps up this week! Catch up on this week’s post below, and register for our Zoom discussion.
“Flowers of Fire,” Week Four: “My Body”, Leah Libresco Sargeant & Patrick T. Brown, Fairer Disputations Substack
Our live Zoom discussion: Tuesday, March 11, at 1pm EST, featuring Leah Libresco Sargeant, Patrick Brown, Eliza Mondegreen, Spencer Klavan, Rachel Lu, Nadya Williams, and Editor Serena Sigillito.