Camellia Narcissus and Pansy bouquet, Pierre-Joseph Redouté. Public domain.

This Week: Sex Differences, Postpartum Depression, and a Sex-Realist UN Official

Welcome to the weekly Fairer Disputations round-up: your one-stop shop for the best in sex-realist feminism. This week: Alex Kaschuta on how the science of sex differences made us forget individuals, Anne Marie Williams on postpartum depression, and Josephine Bartosch on the UN official criticized for naming biological sex. Plus: how to treat those with anorexia, waiting by the phone, how to change your personality, our Flowers of Fire book club—and more!

First, Alex Kaschuta argues that facts about evolutionary psychology and sex differences have been used to put men and women at odds.

At Verily, Anne Marie Williams writes about her own experience delaying childbearing due to postpartum depression—and suggests a multifaceted approach to helping women who still struggle with PPD.

Finally, Josephine Bartosch writes about the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls, who was criticized for acknowledging the existence of two biological sexes in her recent report.

More Great Reads:

Flowers of Fire Book Club:

Our Flowers of Fire book club continues this week! Feel free to join in at any time, and even if you didn’t have the chance to read the book, register for our Zoom discussion.

“Flowers of Fire,” Week Three: “My Life is Not Your Porn”, Leah Libresco Sargeant & Patrick T. Brown, Fairer Disputations Substack

How to Build a Low Trust Society, Leah Libresco Sargeant, Other Feminisms

“The enemy is not the enemy”: Discussion Highlights from Weeks Two and Three

Our live Zoom discussion: Tuesday, March 11, at 1pm EST, featuring Leah Libresco Sargeant, Patrick Brown, Eliza Mondegreen, Spencer Klavan, Rachel Lu, Nadya Williams, and Editor Serena Sigillito.

Register Now.
